[edit] Multi-grade motor oil Liittyi May 2006 Kerroin vain, ettд luokitukset tдyttдvдt цjyt ovat kaikki tarpeeksi hyviд, eli niiden takia ei kone mene rikki. Eikд juuri muutenkaan huomaa eroa. Mikддn rдikkд ei kestд jos lyцdддn tarpeeksi iso hylsy ja parin metrin putki jatkoksi. For single-grade oils, the kinematic viscosity is measured at a reference temperature of 100°C (212°F) in units of mmІ/s or the equivalent older non-SI units, centistokes (abbreviated cSt). Based on the range of viscosity the oil falls in at that temperature, the oil is graded as an SAE number 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70. The higher the viscosity, the higher the SAE grade number is. These numbers are often referred to as the weight of a motor oil. The reference temperature is meant to approximate the operating temperature to which motor oil is exposed in an engine. * Various other extreme-pressure additives and antiwear additives
[edit] Non-vehicle motor oils Motor oils are further categorized by their API service class[1]. The API service classes have two general classifications: S for "Service" (orgininating from Spark ignition) (typical passenger cars and light trucks using gasoline engines) and C for "Commercial" (orginating from Compression ignition) (typical diesel equipment). Note that the API oil classification structure has eliminated specific support for wet-clutch motorcycle applications in their descriptors, and API SJ & newer oils are referred to be specific to automobile and light truck use. Accordingly, motorcycle oils are subject to their own unique standards. The latest API service standard designation is SM for gasoline automobile and light-truck engines. The SM standard refers to a group of laboratory and engine tests, including the latest series for control of high-temperature deposits. Current API service categories include SM, SL and SJ for gasoline engines. All previous service designations are obsolete, although motorcycle oils commonly still utilize the SF/SG standard. There are seven diesel engine service designations which are current: CJ-4, CI-4 Plus, CI-4 online casino suomi indians, CH-4, CG-4, CF-2, and CF. All others are obsolete. It is possible for an oil to conform to both the gasoline and diesel standards. Engine oil which has been tested and meets the API standards may display the API starburst symbol with the service designation on containers sold to oil users. The latest guide to API oil certifications can be found at [2]. Jos taas vaihtovдlit on lyhyitд, mitд saavutat muutaman prosentin paremmalla voitelulla kдytдnnцssд? Tuon voi kompensoida vaihtamalla noi biliksen liemet tai Delvacit vдhдn tiheдmmin kuin superцljyt, jonka jдlkeen kдytдnnцssд kuluminen on taas samoissa. Other kinds of motors also use motor oil, as well as engines that are not in vehicles such as those for electrical generators. Examples include 4-stroke or 4-cycle internal combustion engines such as those used in many "walk behind" lawn mowers and other engines, and special 2-cycle oil used in 2-stroke or 2-cycle internal combustion engines such as those used in various smaller engines like snow throwers (blowers), chain saws, toy engines like those in model airplanes ilmaista pelirahaa casino trips, certain gardening equipment like weed/grass trimmers, leaf blowers, soil cultivators, etc. Often, the applications are not exposed to as wide a temperature range in use as vehicles, so these oils may be single grade or have less viscosity index improver. 2-cycle oil is used differently than other motor oils in that it is pre-mixed with the gasoline or fuel, often in a gasoline: oil ratio of 50. 1 kasino pelit maslak, and burned in use along with the gasoline. [edit] Future of motor oil Suurin syy miksi en siellд kдy mitддn muuta ostamassa, kuin kolaa ja keksejд, on niiden idioottimainsen ostospakkaus-systeemin. Se kun ei tддllд suomessa oikein toimi. Vaikkakin meillд on jo isohkoja tuloeroja, niin ei meillд silti niitд matalapalkkaisia kassinpakkaajia ole tiskin pддssд, kuten esim USA:ssa. Itseasiassa Lidl on alkanut pдivittдmддn noita kassojaan normaalin suomalaisen mallin mukaiseksi. Ilmeisesti negatiivinen palaute on mennyt perille. [edit] Non-Motor oils 20e) ettд laittaa jotain epдmддrдstд bilteman цljyд ku pahimmassa tapauksessa siitд se vasta kalliiksi rupeaakin! voitelu on kuitenkin moottorin tдrkeimpiд toimintoja! Tai puolikas newtoni vддntццn * CBR 600F '99 --> Triumph Daytona 675 '06 [edit] American Petroleum Institute Another test done on oil is to determine the Total Base Number (TBN), which is a measurement of the reserve alkalinity of an oil to neutralize acids. The resulting quantity is determined as mg KOH/ (gram of lubricant). Analogously, Total Acid Number (TAN) is the measure of a lubricant's acidity. Other tests include zinc, phosphorus, or sulfur content, and testing for excessive foaming. Jos olisi ollut, niin kaikki tietдд kuka tддllд huutaisi vaahto suussa ja tatti tanassa sen цljymerkin puolesta, jolla kenties saavutettiin valtaisa puolen hevosvoiman lisдys huipputehoon. * Aikaisemmin, jo muutama vuosi sitten nдille hifi-цljyn hehkuttajille mainitsin, ettд sillд ei ole paskankaan vдliд, jos saat hepan-kaksi lisдд jollain hiton kalliilla liru-race цljyllд. Цljyn kдyttцikд lyhenee ja mekaaniset ддnet kovenee. Tдnne linkitettiin nimittдin sellainen testi, ja jotkut sitten "suu vaahdossa" hehkuttivat niitд hifi-цljyjд * No joo, nдin juuri, mutta pointtina oli, ettд jos ajaa tappiin saakka samoilla цljyillд silloin ehkд merkkien vдlillд voisi tulla jonkinlaisia eroja. Ei niitдkддn ensimmдinen omistaja pддse todistamaan. Hedelmд kannetaan vasta viimeisillд kilometreillд.
The Society of Automotive Engineers, usually abbreviated as SAE, has established a numerical code system for grading motor oils according to their kinematic viscosity. SAE viscosity gradings include the following: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70. Some of the numbers can be suffixed with the letter W. Motor oil must be able to flow at cold winter temperatures to lubricate internal moving parts upon starting up the engine. Another important property of motor oil is its pour point, which is indicative of the lowest temperature at which the oil could still be poured satisfactorily. The lower the pour point temperature of the oil, the more desirable the oil is when starting up at cold temperature. Kirjoitukseni ja mielipiteeni ovat henkilцkohtaisia. En edusta kirjoituksillani mitддn yritystд tai organisaatiota. zx10r -04 + gs1000g -80, gs850g -79 + gs550e -78 + kz440 ltd -80 + gt380 -73 + yz250 -91 + kx80 -94 + XL600 -85, Gas Gas JT250 -96 "Ei se koko, vaan miten sitд kдyttдд", sanoi 50cc (+750 +1100cc)
XL1200S kasino pelit maslak, eli Sportster 1200 Sport -96 Lubricating oil makes a separating film between surfaces of parts moving next to each other so as to minimize direct contact between them, decreasing friction, wear, and production of excessive heat, thus protecting the engine. Motor oil also carries away heat from moving parts, which is important because materials tend to become softer and less abrasion-resistant at high temperatures. Some engines have an additional oil cooler. For 2-stroke gasoline engines, the JASO M345 (FA, FB, FC) standard is used, and this refers particularly low ash, lubricity, detergency, low smoke and exhaust blocking. Tavallista hylsysarjaa ei ole tarkoitettu AUTONRENKAANPULTTIEN avaamiseen. Momentti ja kдytцnaikainen kiinnitarttuminen vaativat jдrjettцmдn avausmomentin, ennen kuin mikддn liikahtaa. On tasan tyhmдд rikkoa tyцkaluja vддrдssд kohteessa, se ei ole tyцkalun alkuperдn vika. Syksyllд vaihdoin sдilytysцljyt Motonetistд ostettuun halpaan tavaraan, ja kyllд se ainakin mutu-tuntumalla vaikutti huonommalta kun ajoin pyцrдд talvisдilццn. Ei vain tuntunut vaihteet vaihtuvan yhtд nдppдrдsti. Ja ehkд hieman erilaista rahinaakin kuului. Tosin, tддltд luetut tarinat saattoivat vain saada mielikuvituksen laukkaamaan * Some molybdenum-containing additives to lubricating oils are claimed to reduce friction, bond to metal, or have anti-wear properties.
[edit] Grades of motor oil In most aviation gas turbine applications, peak lubricant temperatures are not reached during engine operation, but after shutdown, when heat has been able to migrate from the combustor cans and the compressors into the regions of the engine with lubricated bearings and gearboxes. The gas flow associated with running the turbine provides significant convective cooling that disappears when the engine is shut down paras online casino card, leaving residual heat that causes temperatures within the turbine to rise dramatically, an often-misunderstood phenomenon. Ymmmдrrдn jossain volkkarin long life kдytцssд, jos ajelee 50tkm samoilla litkuilla on parempi heittдд koneesee mobilin tai castrolin luokituksen tдyttдvдд litkua (huom. taas kerran luokituksen tдyttдvдд). Other non-motor oils include gear or transmission, and differentials oils. These are used in manual gearboxes and driven axles. They could include speciality uses including EP or Extreme Pressure, Hypoid, and Limited Slip functions. Again, they are NOT to be used for engine lubrication. ja Bilteman 7Ђ akkulaturilla lykдtддn ihan samanlaista virtaa akkuun. kun 100Ђ HIFILLДKIN. ( Sen vдhдn mitд mp-akku nyt latausta tarvii. ) The API/SAE designation for multi-grade oils includes two grade numbers; for example, 10W-30 designates a common multi-grade oil. Historically, the first number associated with the W (again 'W' is for Winter, not Weight) is not rated at any single temperature. The "10W" means that this oil can be pumped by your engine as well as a single-grade SAE 10 oil can be pumped. "5W" can be pumped at a lower temperature than "10W". "0W" can be pumped at a lower temperature than "5W", and thins less at temperatures above 99°C (210°F). The second number, 30, means that the viscosity of this multi-grade oil at 100°C (212°F) operating temperature corresponds to the viscosity of a single-grade 30 oil at same temperature. The governing SAE standard is called SAE J300. This "classic" method of defining the "W" rating has since been replaced with a more technical test where a "cold crank simulator" is used at increasingly lowered temps. A 0W oil is tested at -35°F, a 5W at -30°F and a 10W is tested at -25°F. The real-world ability of an oil to crank in the cold is diminished soon after put into service. The motor oil grade and viscosity to be used in a given vehicle is specified by the manufacturer of the vehicle (although some modern European cars now make no viscosity requirement), but can vary from country to country when climatic or mpg constraints come into play. Oil circulates through the piston oil rings to cool and lubricate the compression rings. Inside gasoline engines, the top compression ring is exposed to temperatures as high as 500°F. no jokainen toonaa tyylillддn niin se vaan nдkцjддn on! Miksi ACEAn sivuilla selkeästi sitten varoitetaan ettei c-luokan öljyt sovellu kaikkiin koneisiin jos niissä kerran on korvaavia kulumisenestoaineitaaa? API-luokituksien "nokan kulumatesti" Sequence IVA käyttää 20 vuotta vanhaa Nissanin moottoria testissä: 1994 Nissan KA24E 2.4 L Voit käyttää jos öljyllä on ladan vaatima luokitus,ei haittaa vaikka sillä on wv-luokitus lisäksi,mutta jos öljyllä on vw-luokitus muttei ladan vaatimaa huippuluokitusta et voi käyttää öljyä. Ostin halvalla 1.6 zetec koneisen 1999 vuosimallin kaaran. Vaihdoin koneeseen foordin omat 5w-30 öljyt. Niitä 250tkm ajettu kone joi kuin limonaatia. Eli öljynkulutus oli 1 litra/1000km. Ei vuoda mistään auton alle. Olen tullut siihen tulokseen että joku männänrengas on katki. Koneen käyntiääni on hiljainen ja käy kuin uusi, vaikka öljystä tykkääkin. Pelkäsin vaan että katalysaattori hajoaa tuollaisesta öljynkulutuksesta ja vaihdoin öljyt 5w-50 rally formulaan. Se vähensi öljynssyönnin 0,5 litraan / 1000km. Nyt laitan sisään 10w-40 Mobil 2000 OSASYNTEETTISET, josta suurin osa on mineraaliöljyä, mutta täyttää silti zetecin ACEA A3 laatuluokituksen. Saas nähdä loppuuko öljyn kulkeutuminen palotilaan ohi männänrenkaiden. Aina mennyt katsastuksesta läpi puhtain päästöin vaikka öljyä syökin. Tuntuu olevan tyyppivika tuo öljynsyönti vanhoissa 1.6 ja 1.8 zeteceissä. Cam Wear Outlet 325235 kirjoitti: Dilemma: Halpa öljy, vaihda useammin VAI Laatuöljy, vaihda normaalisti? Molemmista öljyistä löytyy auton vaatimat laatuluokat. Halpaöljyllä öljynvaihtovälin voisi puolittaa ja hinta olisi sama kuin laatuöljyllä normaalilla vaihtovälillä. Kumpi on parempi moottorille? Se että usein vaihdetaan öljy uuteen vaikka öljy olisi ihan perus öljyä vai että käytetään perustalta laadukkaampaa öljyä millä ajetaan pidempään? Näissäkin uusin, API SN antaa kaikkein tiukimman rajan kulumiselle. Kumpaa näistä olisi järkevämpi käyttää hieman enemmän piristetyssä mopossa? Ei mun Ladan ohjekirjassa ole VW-luokitustakaan öljyvaatimuksissa, tarkoittaako tämä etten voi käyttää öljyjä jotka täyttävät VW luokituksen? ConocoPhillips ja Ford on tuota asiaa tutkinut SAE-paperilla, ja tulivat siihen tulokseen, että höpöhöpö-juttuja nuo kertomukset kuluvista laahaimista. ACEA:n sivu varoittaa niistä sen takia, että kyseisissä ACEA C -luokan öljyissä viskositeetti ja/tai HTHS-viskositeetti ei ole oikea jokaiseen maailmalla olevaan moottoriin. Esim ACEA C1 -öljyissä HTHS on min 2.9, tämä ei ole riittävästi joka moottorille kuumaominaisuuksiksi. Nuo luvut koskevat sitä testimoottoria millä testi suoritetaan. Teboil 2T Bike vai Mobil extra 2T? ACEA C-luokituksen öljyjen idea on matalassa HTHS-viskositeetissa. Se, että öljyistä on poistettu katalysaattoreita ja hiukkassuodattimia kuormittavia epäpuhtauksia, lienee sivuseikka. Kumpaa näistä olisi järkevämpi käyttää hieman enemmän piristetyssä mopossa? Kendall MotorCycle 20W-50 Mineraali cst@40c 172- cst@100c 19 AmsOil Motorcycle Oil 20W-50 Synteettinen cst@40c 152 - cst@100c 20 Kendall Elite 4T Racing 5W-50 Synteettinen cst@40c 112 - cst@100c 18
RASKAAN KALUSTON MOOTTORIÖLJYT Mobil VAIHTEISTOÖLJYT TRAKTORIT JA MAANSIIRTOKONEET Univar Univar Neste TIIVISTEET JA LIIMAT Valvoline Neste Valvoline Valvoline For automotive gasoline engines, the latest engine oil service category includes the performance properties of each earlier category. If an automotive owner’s manual calls for SJ or SL oil, SM oil will provide full protection. For diesel engines; the latest category usually kasino euromillions results, but not always, includes the performance properties of an earlier category. Bui, K. (1999). A defining moment for synthetics. Lubricants world, 9(10). Retrieved March 19, 2005 from http://www.lubes-n-filters.com/newslett. fined.html Base oil is the plain oil, either synthetic or petroleum based, with which an oil company mixes various compounds to create the finished product. The percentage of base stock that’s in your quart of oil varies but a common number used for discussion purposes is a quart of oil is made up of 70% base stock. Motor oil is made up of base stock plus additives. The sheer number of different types of additives and their properties virtually guarantee that there is no single oil that’s perfect for every application. Base Stock The intelligent reader may be wondering at this point, “why use synthetic?” There are several good reasons to use it. One is heat stability. All oils are different, some behave differently to heat. You may have seen the difference between butter and vegetable oil in a frying pan. Under heat, the butter will darken and burn while at the same temperature, vegetable oil will do just fine. A synthetic is similar to the vegetable oil – it is more stable under extreme heat. One area that might bear some fruit is oil’s ability to resist heat aging. All petroleum products have volatile compounds that will gas off, as well as others that will oxidize. It seems reasonable to believe that in some parts of a bike’s engine, the oil will experience higher temperatures than it would in a water cooled automotive motor. Aside from differences between synthetics and petroleum oils, there are no notable difference between motorcycle and automotive oils. One can either infer from this that heat aging is not a concern, or that there’s nothing that can be done within the blends’ parameters to significantly change this characteristic. The reason for this is that the motors were designed with a single viscosity in mind and the clearances and other parameters were designed with these considerations. Using multi-weight oil can have some consequences (good or bad) on such motors, as can using straight weight on multi-grade rated motors. In other words, straight 50 weight oil is thicker at cooler temperatures than 20W-50. If the engine is cold, the thinner oil of the multi-grade may go places you don’t want – like the garage floor. Conversely, using a straight grade in a multi-grade motor may restrict oil from places it needs to go when the motor is cold. You should only change from the viscosity recommended by the engine maker if you understand the reasons for changing and the potential repercussions. Houghton Miffin Company (2000). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Retrieved on November 21, 2004 from http://dictionary.reference.com Category Status Service Harley-Davidson® says to use it’s SYN3 in all three holes (two if you ride a Sportster). H-D also sells regular 20W-50 and Sport-Trans for the Sportster primary which shares its oil with the transmission. H-D also sells Primary Chaincase Lubricant, and Semi-Synthetic Trans Lube for Twin Cam™ motors. Why the differences? To make that determination we have to examine the differences between gear oils and engine oils. Tests done by Motorcycle Consumer News indicated that there were substantial process is two-phased: aromatics are removed by solvent extraction; wax is removed by chilling (Kramer, D. C. Lok, B. K. Krug, R. R. 2001). Engine wear actually decreases as oil ages. This has been substantiated in testing conducted by Ford Motor Co. and ConocoPhillips. What this means is that changing oil frequently actually causes more engine wear than using more of the lifespan of the oil (Gao, et al, 2003). This flies in the face of “conventional wisdom” and certainly what our dads taught us. It may be easier to state what Harley-Davidson® oil is not. One of the premises of this entire study was that H-D oil was “the same as Citgo®.” If there’s one thing we were able to figure out is that despite the oil reportedly being bottled by Citgo, H-D oil is not the same as Citgo oil. H-D uses magnesium as part of its acid neutralizing package where Citgo uses none, however; interestingly, anti-wear additives were similar with near identical levels of zinc and phosphorous. Citgo also uses molybdenum where H-D oils have none. The most marked difference came in the TBN rating of the virgin oil samples. H-D oils ranged in the high 11’s (some of the highest tested) where Citgo oils were in the 8’s (Fig. 9). Without oil analysis, without sophisticated computers, we can only approximate when to change oil in our motorcycles. The manufacturer’s recommendation of 5000 miles seems a sound one given the information available. For extreme conditions, adjust downwards slightly but a minimum interval should be kept at 3000 miles. In the case of a catastrophic event such as the carburetor flooding the crankcase, severe overheating resulting in the burning of the oil, or failure of a mechanical part within the engine, of course; change the oil immediately. designed for diesel-engine service fall under API’s “C” (Commercial) categories. Sulfur is present in gasoline. When burned, this sulfur can combine with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide, or sulfuric acid. This is pretty much a bad thing for any engine, you don’t want it. Oil manufacturers add compounds that neutralize this acid much like taking an antacid does for your stomach. Some of the more common compounds added to oil to neutralize acids are boron, calcium, and magnesium (Fig. 3). Saint Augustin wrote: “For what is time? Who can easily and briefly explain it? Who even in thought can comprehend it online casino that accepts paypal, even to the pronouncing of a word concerning it?” (Schaff, 1886). solvent refinement. These Group I oils have >10% aromatics and more than 300 ppm sulfur. The DiCarlo, J. P. (1999). Is this the right oil for my bike. Jefferey DiCarlo’s Oil Report. Retrieved July 31, 2005 from http://www.ibmwr.org/otech/oilreport.html Base stock has several properties that contribute to the finished product. At its simplest level we can break base stock down to synthetic versus petroleum. Molybdenum, or “moly”, is an anti-wear compound added to oils in the form of molybdenum disulfide. Its use is controversial in motorcycles, fabled to be one of the scurrilous “friction modifiers” that destroys clutches. Across the industry, the consensus is to avoid oils containing moly. It seems a safe position to take, although no concrete evidence exists that I can find. Indeed, several members of the Sportster Internet community have used these “dangerous” oils for extended periods of time including severe (land speed record racing) duty with no reported issues (G. Crim, personal communication). Diesel engine oil categories (for heavy-duty trucks and vehicles with diesel engines): Oils It should be noted, as you review the testing results provided (Fig. 7), that the heat stability testing done for our report were not according to a specific ASTM test procedure. While most of the results were consistent with the earlier test results and therefore potentially informative for comparison purposes, some significant deviations were noted. Additional testing had been planned but was not completed as of the date of this publication. As the API classifications evolve, different additive packages must, by necessity, evolve with them. As oils change from SJ to SL and to the newest: SM, the additive packages are different. The Bob’s Brand grade SJ you used last year is not the same as the Bob’s Brand grade SL you are using this year, even though the packaging may be the same. Not everyone needs or wants the advantages synthetic oil offers. For those that do there is a wide variety available. Even within the classification of synthetic oils, there are different “flavors.” Here we will discuss several: Since starting this paper Harley-Davidson® has changed their lineup somewhat. Instead of the expected removal of mineral-based oils from their recommendations, they seem to have improved, or at least changed the line. Sport-Trans is no longer offered or recommended, the preferred transmission and primary fluid for all H-D motorcycles (with the exception of the VRSC) is now FORMULA+ Transmission and Primary Chaincase Lubricant. This has not been tested for this report but may be tested at some point in the future. Through laboratory testing we have determined that Sport-Trans tests as a 40 weight oil (Fig. 4), with relatively high levels of phosphorous (assumed to be part of the extreme pressure additives indicated above), magnesium, and zinc. The sample tested contained no molybdenum. The qualities in oil that change over time are its viscosity, the TBN, and suspended solids. A good oil test can be invaluable in determining what’s going on in your engine and with your oil. It will show these attributes over time if you test regularly and also warn you ahead of time if serious issues loom. High suspended solids would mean it’s time to change the filter, increasing viscosity might mean that the oil is getting heat damaged and lowering TBN can mean the oil is getting close to absorbing all the acids it can. The true time to change the oil is when the oil says to change it. Simply looking dark (this happens after about 500 miles) is not a good reason. Despite the benefits that extend far beyond using the oil till its done, people typically do not employ oil analysis as part of their preventive maintenance. It can be an invaluable tool and I recommend it highly. American Petroleum Institute (2004). Motor oil guide. 2004 ed. Washington D.C. American Petroleum Institute. In order to help you understand some of the things that go into answering such questions I’ll start with oil basics. We’ll go over what oil is, what it is not, how it’s made and why and how oil in the stores is graded. It will do no good to tell you that you need grade “KY” oil if you have no idea how to find one. I’ll also answer some basic questions such as the differences between motorcycle and automotive oils, the differences between oils sold for transmissions and the engine, how often you should change your oil and other important discussions. Synthetic oils are the subject of much discussion, some rumor, and some outright lies. The infamous “bearing skate” is one such lie. Nobody really knows who started this FUD (Fear, Uncertainty jack and the beanstalk slot 008, Doubt) campaign but they must be very proud of themselves. In the “it’s better to be safe than sorry” camp are people who simply never used synthetic oils because of these doubts propagated by companies because they didn’t have their own synthetic to sell. Think about this bearing skate thing for a moment. You have a roller or ball bearing that supposedly is so well lubricated, so devoid of all friction, that it does not roll. Since it does not roll it plows through the oil film and “skates” on the journal and wears the bearing and journal. If there’s not enough Additives began to be widely used in 1947 when the American Petroleum Institute (API) began classifying engine oils by severity of service: regular, premium, heavy-duty. Regular oils had no additives and were intended for under 100 hours of mild use. Premium oils had some additives to extend the life of oils used in passenger cars. Heavy-duty oils had the most additives and were intended for commercial trucks and construction equipment (Kramer kasino euro food, D. C. Lok, B. K. Krug, R. R. 2001). We had hoped to change the world with our results. Use oil, use the proper grade, and change it when you are supposed to. After all this work; that’s the best advice I’ve learned I can give. Conspiracies were to be revealed and the world would have been a better place with these tests. What was learned is that there are no simple answers. For those that care to dig, the information is available. For those that do not care to worry themselves, it’s reasonable to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and simply enjoy the ride. Gao, H. McQueen J. S. Black E. D. Bjornen, K. K. Gangopadhyay, A. K. Jensen, R. K. & Soltis, E. A. (2003). Antiwear performance of low phosphorus engine oils on tappet inserts in motored sliding valvetrain test. Lubricants, Rheology, and Tribology, and Driveline Fluids, SP-1810. Oil can circulate several times before it ever passes through the filter because of pressure bypass valves, so simply having an oil filter is not necessarily a suitable defense, Leave the velocity stacks and open scoops to the drag racers that tear their engines down often; use a good filter. 18. 0W30 Brad Penn, Penn Grade 1 (semi-synthetic) = 71,377 psi So, the results above show 2 distinct things: 24. 15W40 LUCAS MAGNUM Diesel Oil, conventional, API CI-4,CH-4, CG-4, CF-4, CF/SL = 66,476 psi *** 75,000 to 90,000 psi = GOOD protection 14. 15W40 CHEVRON DELO 400LE Diesel Oil, conventional, API CJ-4, CI-4 Plus, CH-4, CF-4,CF/SM, = 73 roulette table picture,520 psi 7. 10W30 Quaker State Defy, API SL semi-synthetic = 90,226 psi 34. 10W40 Summit Racing Premium Racing Oil, API SL conventional = 59,483 psi 37. 10W30 Comp Cams Break-In Oil conventional = 51,749 psi 25. 10W30 Royal Purple HPS (High Performance Street) synthetic = 66,211 psi My oil testing data is very similar in concept to dyno testing an engine. An engine dyno test is also dynamic testing under load. For the guys who just want to look at a motor oil zinc level reference chart, that is like looking at an engine’s build sheet instead of its dyno print out. You can decide for yourself which provides more meaningful information. 3. 10W30 Valvoline VR1 Conventional Racing Oil (silver bottle) = 103,505 psi 28. “ZDDPlus” added to Royal Purple 20W50, API SN, synthetic = 63,595 psi Some folks, who REALLY believe the notion that more zinc in their oil will provide more wear protection, often throw a tizzy fit and get very nasty when test data shows a low zinc oil providing better wear protection than a high zinc oil. But, the fact is, behavior like that will NOT change the facts regarding what oils provide excellent wear protection and what oils do not. However, to keep everyone’s blood pressure down this time, we’ll look at ONLY HIGH ZINC OILS here. That way, all the oils are on an even playing field. However, true zinc lovers will no doubt be disappointed, because not all high zinc oils tested well, even though they all have plenty of zinc. Though, there are some folks who are extremely set in their beliefs about what they’ve always been told and read, regarding high zinc oils providing excellent wear protection. But, the truth is, like all things in life, motor oils are NOT all created equal. And some oils are simply better than others, no matter what their zinc levels are. Anyone would have to be delusional to think otherwise. And “Wear Testing”, RATHER THAN ZINC LEVELS ALONE, can show us how various oils stack up against each other regarding wear protection capability, as you will see in the real world test data below. 33. “ZDDPlus” added to O’Reilly (house brand) 5W30, API SN, conventional = 56,728 psi 9. 15W40 RED LINE Diesel Oil synthetic, API CJ-4/CI-4 PLUS/CI-4/CF/CH-4/CF-4/SM/SL/SH/EO-O = 85,663 psi 23. 10W40 Edelbrock synthetic = 68,603 psi 2. 10W30 Valvoline NSL (Not Street Legal) Conventional Racing Oil = 103,846 psi The following group of 40 oils have zinc levels above 1100 ppm, and are ranked according to their “load carrying capacity/film strength”, or in other words, their “wear protection capability”, at 230*F. The tests were repeated multiple times for each oil, and even though all the results for each oil were consistent within a few percent, those results were averaged to arrive at the most accurate and representative final psi numbers shown below. And every single oil was tested EXACTLY THE SAME, so they all had the same opportunity to perform as well as their chemical formulation would allow. * The additive package contains 1800 ppm ZDDP, providing levels of protection unattainable from conventional motor oil. Provides excellent protection from metal to metal contact. 13. 5W40 MOBIL 1 TURBO DIESEL TRUCK synthetic, API CJ-4, CI-4 Plus, CI-4, CH-4 and ACEA E7 = 74,312 psi
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