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Different apparel use different size systems. Below are some of our most common size systems deciphered: Glove size is the circumference of your hand measured from the widest point of your palm in inches. If you're using metric measure suomi bonus zertifikate, divide the measurement result with 2.5. The average adult males hand size is 23 cm, so 23/2.5=9.2 and therefore the correct glove size is 9. The correct manner to measure your foot is to trace your footprint on a piece of paper with a pencil and then measure the dimensions. Another measurement method is to determine the dimensions of properly fitting insoles. Most shoes come with insoles, but if not included insoles can be bought separately. The link above contains information how to how to compare feet and insoles. US shoe sizes are measured in lenght and width. Netpris live xbox 360, based in Flensburg, is a subsidiary owned by Online Grænsehandel Group A/S and was founded about three years ago as an online border shop. 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