I finally got this loose black transparent GOH onepiece for myself that I've ALMOST bought the last two times when I have ordered stuff from Japan, but for some reason, always decided not to. Well, it still stayed and kept haunting in my mind so I had to get it for myself. Jäätiin kuvien oton jälkeen Alexin kanssa vielä yksille kalliille drinksuille tonne, kun Heikin piti lähtee. Puhuttiin, että pitää tulla joskus paremmalla ajalla ja isommalla porukalla uudestaan vaikka syömään ja juomaan, koska paikka oli tosi viihtyisä niinkuin taisin jo aiemmin mainitakin. I took some random snaps during the day and made collage of them. You can click it to view it in bigger size. Olin ehkä aluks hiukan epäluuloinen tästä, mutta kun kokeilin, niin totesin että täähän toimii. Mitä nyt muutaman pikku finnin peitin cover all mixillä, mut muuten tosi hyvä. Paljon kevyempi kuin mun normaali meikkivoide mut silti saa epätasasuudet piiloon. Anyway, I hope you like my blog and leave me a comment. Laivamatka kesti 3 tuntia ja meni pubin puolella suomihittejä kuunnellessa ja eläkeläiset tanssi vieressä, haha. 11:00 oltiin vihdoin perillä. dress kdk london belts gina tricot shoes jeffrey cambell necklace ghost of harlem Koska punasta ja blondia multa jo löytyy, päädyin tällä kertaa ruskeeseen ja lisäks vieläpä lyhyempään ja suorempaan malliin kuin yleensä. Totta puhuen tää on aika saman mittainen kuin mun omakin tukka, paitsi et kun tää on eestä vähän pidempi kuin takaa (empä tietenkään tajunnu ottaa kuvia takaa. ) niin mun oma tukka on taas takaa pidempi kuin eestä. And now when I'm already writing about makeup, I'm gonna write a bit more about them :D I've been promising to post for a quite while about what's inside my makeup purse. so here it is, finally. I spent almost the whole day making this collage, so I hope it's good and you can see what is what XD I didn't list the exact names of the products in it because I couldn't fit them in it, but if you're interested in something, please ask :D But maybe it was a good thing, because I soon found something worth buying anyway. After taking the pictures, Heikki had to go but me and Alex stayed there and had expensive cocktails. We were talking about how we need to come again sometime with more people at a better time, because it was such a nice place, like I said before. Alex being beautiful. I made this photoset of the pics I took with my cellphone during the days we went shopping :--D Because otherwise you would have to scroll this page forever. I visited CesarsShop last week and got some new stuff for testing, so I decided to write a small review about them now. Ostin myös pari pikkujuttua Ruotsista. Rannekoru on samasta kaupasta kun toi hamekin ja tykkään tosta älyttömästi. Lisäks hipster hiuspinnit jostain Göteborgin ernukaupasta haha. Oon kaipaillu jotain hiusjuttuja mut mitkään kukat ei tunnu omalta jutulta ja rusetin kanssa näytän viisvuotiaalta joten these will do. Bought these JC ballerinas. None of the heels they had were for my liking so I ended up buying flats for a change. Which is actually a good thing since my old ones are in terrible condition, I've taken them to be fixed many times and they've even changed the bottoms and stuff. Heräsin kun mun kello soi 4:20. laittauduin, puin, söin, yms ja otin bussin steissille, mistä sitten jatkettiin Heikin, Samin ja Tünden kanssa yhtämatkaa Länsisatamaan. Miitattiin loput porukasta terminaalissa 7:30 ja laiva lähti 8:00. Voin kertoo että väsytti :-D Lauantaina 25. päivä juhlittiin Davyn pikkusiskon 15vuotis synttäreitä ja paikalla oli läjä sukulaisia, Davyn äiti oli tehnyt hirveesti hyvää ruokaa (miks en tajunnu ottaa yhtään kuvia. se oli kunnon thai buffet hahaha), ja oli kivaa tutustua ihmisiin vaikka kovin moni puhunutkaan muuta kuin ruotsia. joka ei multa oikeen suju XD Because I already have red and blonde wigs, I decided to go fo brown this time, and also picked much more shorter and straighter model than usually. Actually the lenght is almost the same as my own hair, but this one is a bit longer from the front than from the back (ofcourse I didn't take any pics from behind. ), unlike my own hair which is shorter in the front than from the back. Thanks for photobombing Alex . Halusin tämmösen jossa on sisäänpäin kääntyvät latvat koska tykkäisin pitää omaakin tukkaa niin, mut kun lähen ovesta ulos niin ne latvat suoristuu heti ekassa tuulen puuskassa. Joten luovutin, peruukki kestää tuulet ja tuiskut ja mulla on hyvä mieli kun ei tartte stressata onks tukka hyvin, jee. With these, I have a "first aid kit" in my makeup purse which contains tweezers, eyelash glue (for fixing false lashes), super glue (for nail accidents) and eyedrops (for contact lenses). Also left out a couple things out of this because they're things I store in my drawer, not makeup purse (like the Sigma palette ) and so on. Moimoi. Posti toi perjantaina paketin jossa saapui mun uus perun ukki (hekoheko) eli peruukki number tres. Toinen samaan aikaan tilaamani on vielä jossain tiellään mun luo, joten en voi blogaa siitä tässä samalla. No ihan sama, toivottavasti tulis pian sekin. Now I can only wonder why I didn't buy it before because it's simply perfect. I've looked through million different transparent clothing in stores here, but they're all boring dress-shirts with no kind of details at all. This is so much more for my liking, GOH never disappoints me haha. Better pic later in this post with other recent buys of mine. jacket ghost of harlem onepiece ghost of harlem jeans ginatricot boots dinsko It was a nice experience. (Click to view in bigger size !) Kosmetiikkasarja on lähinnä nuorille suunnattu, minkä voi aika helposti jo pakkausten ja tuotenimien perusteella arvata. For first timers, I'd say take a quick look at ABOUT ME and get to know me a little before browsing through my posts. Huomasin että mulla on yllättävän paljon huulipunia ja -kiiltoja, sekä luomivärejä ottaen huomioon miten vähän käytän mitään huulimeikkiä ja että päädyn aina siihen ruskeeseen luomiväriin, haha. Ja kyllä, jokainen nainen tarvitsee kuusi ripsiväriä. Tässäpä näitä uusia kolttuja täydennykseksi mun goottivaatekaappiin. Mustaa, mustaa ja mustaa ja jotta ei ihan pelkäks mustaks menis niin vähän harmaata piristykseks 8--) (huomaa sarkasmi) . The model is called "Sweet-2", haven't ever heard of that before but whatever. The makeup line is mostly oriented for teenagers, which you can notice easily if you check out the packaging and the product names. On Monday I came back to Finland. Mostly just missing Davy and the weather now haha. I think it's good to end this post with this pic: Most of you probably know the stamping nailart tools by Konad already, but they also have a cosmetics line along with the nailpolishes. CesarsShop recently started selling some of their makeup, so it was nice to get to try them. Also bought some accessories from Sweden. The bracelet is from the same store as the skirt above, and I just love it. And hipster hair clips from some ernu clothing store in Göteborg haha. I've been trying to find some hair accessories but flowers aren't my thing really and bows make me look like a five years old so these will do. Tosin sen jälkeen kun löydettiin tää pelikone, se lähes huusi "Viivi. Alappas tunkea niitä kolikoita sisään. 1", mutta hillitsin itseni. Mut kuinka siistii, Sex and the City. Jos ette siis kuvasta saaneet selvää. Päävoiton nimi oli luonnollisestikin Mr. Big hahah. We tried to take some pics together with Sini. but in all of them, atleast one of us has a derpy face. So I made a cool comic of them.
Visited Tallinn last Friday with Alex. Niklas. Tuomas. Heikki. Sami and Tünde. You could get discount coupons from Alepa while ago if you had a S-etukortti, and with that coupon you get the 1 day trip for 10€. It was mad cheap so we couldn't pass this offer, haha. Did you like my outfit? Here's some new purchases for my gothic wardrobe. Black, black and black and so it would have some "colors" too, I bought some gray clothing aswell haha 8--) (notice the sarcasm) .
I guess I already told you enought of the GOH one, but the black Monki top I bought to be worn under it and why not by itself too. It's the same one as this top. but in different color and without print obviously. Found some Jeffrey Campbell shoes from Kaubamaja ! t-shirt ghost of harlem vest gina tricot skirt raglady belt gina tricot socks h&m visitors since started I'm a 24 year old girl from Helsinki, Finland and this blog is my own little space on the internet where I can share my thoughts, outfits and write a bit about my life and stuff that I do. Konad it, eli ne kynsilakkaleimasin jutut on varmaan suurimmalle osalle tuttuja, mutta kynsilakkojen lisäks Konadilla on olemassa myös kosmetiikkasarja. Konadin meikkejä tuli hiljattain myyntiin myös Cesarsille, joten oli kiva päästä testaamaan näitä. I woke up at 4:20 when my alarm rang, did my makeup, got dressed, ate etc. and took a bus to the railway station where I met Heikki, Sami and Tünde, and continued to the harbor together with them. Met up with the rest at the terminal 7:30 and our boat took off at 8:00. I can tell you I was tired :-D I was maybe a bit suscpicious about this, but when I tried it, I realised it works. Although I had to cover couple pimples with cover all mix, but other than that, it was really good. Much more lighter than my usual foundation but still covered most of the flaws. I especially like the dip hem, and was looking for another similar dress in Cruel Age before, but it was even longer model than this one so I thought 165 cm me and a super long dress wouldn't look so great together and ordered this one online. And I like it. Nyt voinki vaan miettii et miks en tilannu tätä jo aiemmin, koska tää on ihan purrfect. Oon kahlannut läpi miljoona erilaista läpikuultavaa riepua kaupoissa mut ne on aina niitä tylsiä kauluspaitoja joissa ei oo mitään yksityiskohtia. Tää on niin paljon enemmän mua, harlemin haamu ei petä koskaan hahahah. Parempi kuva vähän alempana muitten ostosten kanssa tästä. Lähtipä siis reissulta mukaani nämä JC 'n ballerinat. Yhetkään tarjolla olleista korkkareista ei miellyttänyt mua, joten päädyimpä vaihteeks mataliin kenkiin. Ihan hyvä ehkä koska mun aikasemmat kesäläpsyttimet on ihan kaameessa kunnossa ja oon useesti vienyt niitä jo suutarille, vaihtanut pohjaa ja vaikka mitä. The boat trip to Tallinn lasted 3 hours and we spent the time sitting in the pub side of the boat, listening to old finnish hit songs while old people were dancing next to us, haha. 11:00 we finally arrived to Tallinn. Oops, February turned out to be much lazier month, when it comes to blogging, than I planned. Well, most of the month I was on holiday and laying in the bed, being ugly etc so what is there to even blog about. I'll post the rest of the pics from Sweden and write about it a bit more at the end of this post, but first some outfit pics from Thursday. I also got a new case for my phone when I visited Cesars, yay. *-* This was the one I orginally wanted actually, but last time I was there, they only had the sample pieces where I got to pick from. Hihii. Btw, all cases are 30% OFF now, so check it out if you're interested to make your phone blingy. HERE ! Nappasin muutamia random kuvia päivän aikana, tässäpä pieni kollaasi niistä. Klikkaamalla saa isommaks ! You always need an eyeliner and I have nothing to complain about this one either. A real black color so it doesn't come out as transparent, dries quickly, the brush is thin and you can make fine lines with it, doesn't smudge your eyelids during the day and so on. Works perfectly. Tosta GOH in rievusta varmaan kerroinkin jo tarpeeksi, mustan topin ostin Monki sta lähinnä sen alle pidettäväksi ja miksei muutenkin. Malli on sama kuin tällä topilla. mutta erivärisenä ja ilman printtiä tietenkin. I've been more than happy with my Litas so I don't think these will be a disappointment either, even tho they were a bit pricey for ballerinas hehe. Hi. We went to check out a new place on Saturday, or atleast it was new for me, Casino Helsinki. I didn't really know what to expect, because my idea of casino is just a huge amount of game machines and a lot of sounds and music coming from them. Well, that's kinda what it was. But the place was surprisingly nice, especially the restaurant/lounge part. Ps. Tällanen sydän jonkun tietyn meikin päällä tarkottaa sit sitä et se on yks mun lempparituotteista ! Tän viikon maanantaina tulinkin sit takas Suomeen. Päällimmäiseks jäi ikävä Davya ja sitä keliä. tähän kuvaan onkin hyvä lopettaa tää postaus: This has a sweet, maybe a bit fruity scent and feels nice on your lips. Hi and welcome! This is Black Saliva. a style focused blog written by Viivi Vanessa R. I noticed I have kinda a lot of lipsticks and -glosses, and also a lot eyeshadows even tho I hardly ever use lip makeup and I always end up picking the brown eyeshadow, haha. And yes, every woman needs six mascaras. Mitä piditte asustani? I'm not the biggest fan of casino games. mostly because I'm a pessimist when it comes to them and don't believe I would actually win, with my luck I would just lose my money :D And don't even know how to play roulette, blackjack or any of those games work. Sain myös uuden kuoren mun kännykkään Cesarsilta, jee. *-* Tän pääkallokuoren oisin alunperinkin halunnut, mut viimeks kun kävin, niin ei ollut vielä kuin ne näytekappaleet mistä sain valita. Hihii. Btw, kaikki nää kuoret on nyt -30% joten käykää tsekkailemassa jos blingaava luuri kiinnostaa. TÄÄLLÄ ! Lisäks oon ollut enemmän kuin tyytyväinen mun Litoihin joten en usko et nääkään tulee olemaan pettymys vaikka vähän hintavammat ballerinoiksi olikin. Saatettiin samalla osallistuu American Idoliin, lol jk. Heikki oli ottamassa kuvia musta ja Alex avustamassa 8D Kiitos molemmille ! But after we found this game machine, it was almost screaming "Viivi. Start inserting your coins here. 1" to me, but I didn't. But how cool is it, Sex and the City. In case you didn't notice from the picture. The main price was obviously called Mr. Big hahah. On Saturday 25th, we celebrated Davy's little sister's 15th bday and had bunch of relatives visiting, his mom had cooked super much delicious food (why didn't I take any pics. it was like a thai buffet hahah), and it was nice to meet his relatives even tho most of them only spoke swedish and I dont. XD Our looks for the day. Gosh I need new extensions asap, mine looks terrible atm. Davy looks cute tho. ♥ Kauppojen kiertelyn jälkeen mentiin Vapianoon syömään. Niin hauskaa et täysin sama ruoka mitä saat Suomestakin oli niin paljon halvempaa. Kallein ruoka listalla tais olla 9,50€ hahaha, oli rikas olo. Käytiin viimeviikon perjantaina päiväristeilyllä Tallinnassa Alexin. Niklaksen. Tuomaksen. Heikin. Samin ja Tünden kanssa. S-etukortilla sai Alepasta sellasen kupongin millä sai menopaluun 10€'lla joten ei voinut jättää tilaisuutta käyttämättä kun oli niin halpa. There's not really much to see in Tallinn. but we checked out the clothingstores in Rotermann, Pull&Bear. Bershka and Stradivarius because we don't have those in Finland. In Bershka, one of the mannequins had a nice coordinate (I took a pic of it haha, see it later in this post) but none of the items were that fabulous themself so I didn't buy anything XD I hate when that happens. Black Cats Eyeliner Ekana ennen casinolle ryntäämistä, tutustuin vähän paikan käytäntöihin, pukukoodeihin ja sellaseen. K-18, ensikertalaiset kuvataan ja dresscode oli oletettavastikin smart casual. Muistatte varmaan mun tuskailut viimekerrasta kun oli smart casual teemaiset pirskeet. D Olin kuitenkin katsellut tämän tyylistä mekkoa jo pidempään kesää varten ja aattelin, että sopis tähänkin joten hankin sen sit. Tykkään etenkin tosta taaksepäin pitenevästä helmasta, itseasiassa kattelin Cruel Agessa vastaavaa, mut se oli vielä pidempi kuin tää niin aattelin et 165 senttinen minä ja se mekko ei oikein sovita yhteen, niin tilasin netistä vähän lyhyemmän mallin. Tykkään ! I wanted a model which has slightly introverted (is that the word?) ends, because that's how I like to wear my own hair when I don't have extensions, but the problem is that they won't stay that way when I step outside the house and face the first wind. So I gave up, a wig will always look no matter how windy or rainy it is, and I don't have to stress about how my hair looks, which makes me happy, yay. Pretty Doll's Lipstick Hups, helmikuu menikin bloggailun osalta laiskemmin kun olin suunnitellut. No mutta, suurimman osan kuusta olin lomalla ja makoilin rumana sängyn pohjalla joten mitäpä siitä bloggaamaan. Postaan tän entryn päätteeks vielä loput ruotsin reissun kuvat ja vähän lisää siitä, mut ekaks pari kuvaa torstain asusta. Tallinnassa nyt ei ihan hirveesti oo tsekkaamisen arvoisia paikkoja, mut perus Rotermannin Pull&Bear. Bershka ja Stradivarius tuli kierrettyä, mut en löytänyt mitään. Bershkassa oli yhellä mallinukella kiva asukokonaisuus (otin siitä kuvan lol, löytyy tuolta alempaa) mut ykskään niistä vaatteista ei erillään ollut tarpeeks kiva niin en sit halunnut niistä mitään XD Ärsyttää kun käy näin. Nomut ehkäpä ihan hyvä etten vielä innostunut löysäämään kukkaron nyörejä koska sit löysin jotain kivaa. First, before rushing into the casino. I looked for some rules etc. about the place. Age limit 18, first timers get photographed, dress code is smart casual and so on. You might remember how in pain I was last time we had a smart casual party. D But I had been looking for this kind of dress for the summer for a while, and thought it would go for this kind of situation too, so I bought it. We might've taken part in American Idol too, lol jk. Heikki took these photos of me and Alex was there too to help 8D Thanks to both. Hi. Got another parcel via mail on Friday when my new wig. wig number three arrived. Actually I still have one more on it's way to my place, so I couldn't blog about it yet but I guess that's ok. Just hoping it would arrive soon. We checked out Göteborg again on Friday, 24th. This time we took a train to the city and the trip was about 40min. This time I already kinda know where to go and where to find stuff etc, so it was much more easier to navigate and concentrate on shopping, unlike last time it was kinda like being a blind person and just following Davy. Viime viikolla CesarsShop illa kävästessäni sain pari juttuu mukaani testattavaksi, jotka aattelin esitellä nyt ! Tänään oli kyl kauheen kiva keli, lukuunottamatta kauheeta tuulta. Mun sydäntä lämmittää et ainakaan keskustassa ei oo enää lunta. Sais nyt vaan sataa jonku viikon putkeen vettä ja olla plussa kelit niin lähtis loputkin. En varmaan mitään vihaa tässä maailmassa niin paljon kuin talvee.
After dinner we did some last minute booze shopping (that's why finnish people usually go to Tallinn, it's so much cheaper than in Finland). The boat left back to Helsinki at 16:30 so we had 5 and half hours total in Tallinn. It was enough to do everything we had planned. We rented a cabinet from the boat on the way back because everyone was so tired from all the walking and carrying stuff all day long. We arrived back to Helsinki 20:00. Teen's B.B Cream En oo ehkä suurin casinopelien ystävä, ehkä suurimmaks osaks siksi, että oon pessimisti niiden suhteen ehkä usko, että voittaisin mitään vaan menettäisin vaan rahani :D Enkä edes tiedä miten ruletit, blackjackit ja muut pelit toimii. Today was a really nice weather, excluding the wind. Makes me feel so great when there's no snow left at the center at least. I wish it would just rain a week in a row now and be plus degrees during that time so we could get rid of the rest too. There's nothing in this world I would hate more than winter. Yes. Finally got a B.B Cream :-D These have been a boom in Asia for a long time already, but lately have reached Finland too. For example, Garnier just released it's own, but I haven't heard anything good about it tho. Also tried Skin79's B.B Cream from Davy's sister when I was in Sweden (because of the episode with my suitcase. I didn't have my own makeup with me either). and it only made my skin look gray and didn't cover anything really :D After checking out the stores we went to eat at Vapiano. So funny because the same food you can buy from Finland too was so much cheaper. I think the most expensive thing on the menu was 9,50€ hahaha, feeling rich. Anyway, took some pics because a new wig is a perfect excuse for camwhoring. I got this lipstick in shade "Nude Pink Brown" and that's exactly what the color is :D A good mixture of all that. Maybe a bit darker than I've used to wearing, but still nice. My traveling company walking around in Rotermann. Here's an outfit pic from today. Actually I've worn these clothes like million times already but nobody took a pic of me before now. Now I can finally change my outfit so my friends won't start thinking I smell bad and can't afford washing my clothes. Tein tällasen kollaasin kuvista mitä nappasin kännykällä shoppailu päivinä :--D Koska muuten oisitte saanu scrollata tätä sivua loputtomaan asti. Sain vihdoin omakseni mun kauan haaveilemani GOH in läpinäkyvän lirtti lärpylä onepiecen. Oon kahella viimesellä kerralla kun oon japanista tilannut tavaraa, ollut NÄÄÄIN lähellä että oisin klikannut sen ostoskoriin, mutta oon sit kuiteskin jättänyt pois. Se kuitenkin jäi mun mieleen kummitteleen ja oli pakko hankkii. Näiden lisäks mun meikkilaukussa kulkee "first aid kit" aka pinsetit, ripsiliima (ripsien fiksailuun), pikaliima(kynsiäksidenttien varalle) ja silmätipat (jos piilarit alkaa hiertää). Muutaman jutun myös jätin pois koska ei kollaasiin mahtunu ja säilytän niitä laatikoissa enkä meikkipussissa (esim. Sigman paletti ) jne. Tsekattiin Göteborg uudemman kerran 24. päivä perjantaina, mentiin tällä kertaa junalla ja matka kesti n. 40min. Tällä kertaa kun tiesin jo vähän missä on mitäkin, oli paljon helpompi liikkuu ja oikeestii katella asioita ja keskittyy shoppaamiseen eikä vaan kulkee sokeena paikasta toiseen Davyn perässä. Nykyisin menee enää alle vrk ku sieltä kotiutetut rahat ovat pankkitilillä, http://osmo4848.soup.io/. Ei tosiaan pysty ostelemaan saldoa miinukselle. Kortti on toiminut kyllä kaikissa paikoissa, lukuunottamatta sitten paria bensa-automaattia. Nettilompakot (Skrill) Kirjoittaja pasi73 30 Elo 2013, 08:55 Bilixs kirjoitti:pasi73 kirjoitti:Ite käytän myös edelleen Skrilliä ja olen täysin tyytyväinen siihen. Nykyisin menee enää alle vrk ku sieltä kotiutetut rahat ovat pankkitilillä. Guts maksoi varastetut voitot Veikkauksen pelaajalle Kirjoittaja petr1 10 Touko 2014, 02:37 ulkomainen-p. Veikkaus ei suostu maksamaan pelaajalle, ennen poliisitutkintaa. 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Olo on niin HANURISTA Kilojen karistaminen ei onnistu helposti näin iäkkäänä joten kaipa kuolen veritulppaan tai ainakin halvaannun. Mites muut, onko neteller kotiutukset tullut nopeasti?,Ehkä erkko tai kahva voi jeesiä tapauksessa. Dokumentit tarkisti 10 minuutissa, eli se on esimerkillistä kunhan nyt samalla tahdilla maksaisi noita voittoja. Mutta jos maanantaina ei ole tullut niin ei sitten varmaan koskaan, http://ilpo8137.soup.io/. Maksaa ne mutta helvetillisellä viiveellä. This confuses me even more and allows my mind to think that the government is just giving us all of this information to scare us, possibly because they don't want to fork out the time and/or money to thoroughly research all of the different types and combinations of steroids. While I was surfing through Bodybuilding, http://lyly3278.soup.io/. According to this anonymous professional, no health problems exist in any of the Mr. Olympia (largest annual and most competitive bodybuilding competition in the world) today. Just recently, Mike Matarazzo sustained a serious shoulder injury and Fukes (both well-known professional bodybuilders) blew out both of his knees but neither were from the use of steroids. Aggression and other psychiatric side effects may result from abuse of anabolic steroids. Many users report feeling good about themselves while on anabolic steroids, but researchers report that extreme mood swings also can occur, including manic-like symptoms leading to violence. Depression often is seen when the drugs are stopped and may contribute to dependence on anabolic steroids, http://elmo928.soup.io/. Researchers report also that users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility. Source(s): Vivax 9 years ago Abstract The popularity of testosterone among drug users is due to its powerful effects on muscle strength and mass. Increased aggressive responding in male volunteers following the administration of gradually increasing doses of testosterone cypionate, http://joakim2795.soup.io/. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Cops on ‘roids: The tragedy of Jim Batsel and the formation of a new anti-steroid movement. All Natural Muscular Development. Relationship between anabolic steroid use and selected psychological parameters in male bodybuilders. Gazvani et al (4) reported on the conservative management of azoospermia following anabolic steroid abuse in a case report of 4 men, http://hermanni215.soup.io/. The time from discontinuation to normal semen parameters ranged from 5 to 18 months. Thus, much variability existed. Turek et al (5) reported on a single case where the azoospermic male discontinued all anabolic steroids and began a regimen of trice weekly HCG injections (2000 IU) for 1 month followed by 3000 IU trice weekly for 3 additional months. The wife became pregnant by 3 months of therapy and the semen parameters normalized. Whether sperm production is fully restored, however, ultimately depends on the duration of the testosterone injections and the individual subject's response. Athletes commonly use dosages of steroids that are 10-40 times greater than the suggested therapeutic range. This theoretically places these men at risk of side effects related to long-term testosterone inhibition, a medical condition known as hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, http://lauri6198.soup.io/. Indications of this disorder include shrunken testicles, impotence and, most commonly, infertility. Should athletes who inject testosterone worry about infertility? 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Näistä siis voi lukea, mitä uusia kikkoja pelaajien pään vaivaksi peliyhtiöt kehittelevät, http://taisto6998.soup.io/. Esimerkiksi Playtechiltä, Net Entiltä ja WMS gamingilta löytyy erilaisia teknisiä uusia ratkaisuja, joita voidaan sitten käyttää tulevaisuuden sloteissa. The body itself produces the so called endogenous anabolic steroids, http://kalle4395.soup.io/. These are the regular intermediates and end products of the biosynthesis of testosterone (see Chapter 11 ). When doping hunters discover deviations from the normal concentrations of these steroids in competing athletes, the WADA considers this as a positive doping test. This is also the case when the doping hunter can prove that the steroid is administered. The WADA indicates such a steroid as being from exogenous origin. Molecules of testosterone fit into receptor sites located inside the cells, just as a key fits into a lock. When the receptor site is filled, http://kustavi9817.soup.io/. There are a certain number of receptor sites in each cell. If only a few them get filled, the cell will respond at a low level. If all of these sites are filled, the cell produces its maximum response (http://www. In other words, eliminating carbohydrates from your diet can be detrimental to some aspects of your performance. Stated yet another way, carbohydrates are a performance enhancing substance. I’m not going to spend any time discussing the “catch” (i. What do anabolic steroids, EPO, and carbohydrates have in common, http://uoti9484.soup.io/. For starters, they all enhance some aspect of your athletic and physical performance, depending on the activity you’re participating in. Performance-Enhancing Drugs What is a Performance-Enhancing Drug? A performance-enhancing drug is any substance taken by athletes to improve performance, http://pekko109.soup.io/. This term is referenced often and typically refers to anabolic steroid use in sports by professional and amateur athletes. Other substances may also be taken to improve performance, including human growth hormone (hGH), stimulants and diuretics. A membership to the Resource Exchange Center (REC) grants you access to a comprehensive database of information on the use of anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs in sports. It is basically this conversion of pro-hormones with enzymes that differentiates a pro-hormone from a steroid and what permits pro-hormones to remain as a legal drug. The only drawback over a pro-hormone and a steroid is that there is no point in taking too much of the pro-hormone as this does not promise a respective increase in the final amount of hormones, http://johannes6789.soup.io/. Pros and Cons of Pro-Hormones A prohormone refers to a committed intra-glandular precursor of a hormone, usually possessing minimal hormonal effect by itself. Although not hormones themselves, prohormones amplify the effects of current hormones. Within the final two decades, prohormones have also been made use of by bodybuilders, athletes, and nonmedical users of anabolic steroids as well as other hormones to refer to substances that are anticipated to convert to active hormones within the physique. When you have almost everything up and running, and ready to go, on your new advertising and marketing internet site, it will be time and energy to incorporate advertising business management degree on the website. Seek information to get the best paying ads as well as the best position spots. This could get complicated quickly. You really should look for expert advice in this field. However, the question remains how effective has it been, http://jani8454.soup.io/. It is estimated that over six-million American adults supplement with anabolic steroids for the purpose of performance enhancing that is no small number by any stretch. By this fact one can easily conclude the vast majority have deemed the reward to outweigh any possible risk, even that of a legal nature. There is no question, the results of being accused, arrested and convicted can be devastating and can carry with it lifelong consequences yet the truth remains many are willing to risk it. It is an unfortunate reality, we live in a society where anabolic androgenic steroids have been demonized the lack of education revolving around the substances is appalling and few topics would allow such irresponsible behavior. Don’t stress so much. Again, reishi happens to be a miracle stress reducer. Drink less or no alcohol, http://jyri3768.soup.io/. Do so-called compound exercises. Cordyceps mushroom is one of the most effective training boosters and known to increase testosterone naturally. Relatively few professionals ever get caught red-handed, but it's widely believed that many take the drugs in secret. For instance, football players and other athletes could easily take the drugs during the off-season without fear of detection. When major league baseball started widespread testing for steroids for the first time in 2003, roughly 5 percent of players came up positive, http://helmi1701.soup.io/. The percentage of athletes who actually abuse the drugs could be much higher. Some may be beating the system by using untraceable versions of the drugs. It appears that anabolic steroids influence hepatic triglyceride lipase (HTL) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL). Males usually have higher levels of HTL, while females have higher LPL activity. HTL is primarily responsible for the clearance of HDL-cholesterol, while LPL takes care of cellular uptake of free fatty acids and glycerol, http://iida7027.soup.io/. Androgens and anabolic steroids stimulate HTL, presumably resulting in decreased serum levels of HDL-cholesterol. The effect of anabolic steroids on triglycerides is not well known. Since AS have effects on several organ systems, a myriad of side effects can be found, http://juhana7848.soup.io/. In general, the orally administered AS have more adverse effects than parenterally administered AS. In addition, the type of AS is not only important for the advantageous effects, but also for the adverse effects. Especially the AS containing a 17-alkyl group have potentially more adverse affects mega yachts photos, in particular to the liver. One of the problems with athletes netti casino wallpaper, in particular strength athletes and bodybuilders, is the use of oral and parenteral AS at the same time ("stacking"), and in dosages which may be several (up to 40 times) the recommended therapeutical dosage. Oral steroids tend to stress the liver and kidneys, http://sulho3405.soup.io/. Blood lipid profiles (cholesterol/triglycerides) can be negatively affected during a steroid cycle, but it isn’t clear whether or not this has any negative effects on long-term health since things usually revert back to their normal state after the cycle is over. Now let’s return to something I wrote earlier: risk is correlated with dosage and duration. A judicious cycle over 8-12 weeks can help you gain 15-20 lb. The risks of such a cycle are likely minimal, and the potential rewards may far outweigh them. Ethical Management of the Athlete One could take the stance that AAS use should be banned outside of treatment for medical conditions because of possible side effects associated with their use, http://alpo2644.soup.io/. However, this is a very parentalistic, or paternalistic, view, and it may not hold true for adults or professional athletes who view AAS and their consequences as a fair trade-off for success in sport (18 ). This perspective of a balanced exchange may be especially accurate for athletes who train for years to advance through the levels of elite sport only to find that many of their competitors are using AAS. These athletes are then forced to decide to use AAS, compete at a perceived disadvantage, or abandon competition in general (19 ). In sport, participants usually attempt to gain an advantage over opponents and win the contest through that advantage. By driving this behavior underground, we have increased whatever risks exist by ensuring that safety studies are not performed, either short or long term. We have also lost control of manufacturing processes, so the user has no way of knowing what, in fact, he is using, http://august9202.soup.io/. The policy of a ban, coupled with criminal penalties, is even more incoherent if safety is the argument. Norm Fost continued to say the following in the same interview, “Whatever ethical issues there are in the use of steroids in competitive sports, which, as I’ve said, I don’t think are worth the attention they receive, they disappear with non-competing personal use. We are not talking about unfair competition, we’re not talking about coercion, and we’re not talking about undermining the integrity of sport. This then should tell women of the world considering using anabolic steroids that using does run the risk of being very dangerous because not enough research has been done therefore not enough information is known to say whether or not steroids are harmful or even fatal in women. Deciding to use anabolic steroids is a decision that could affect a woman for the rest of her life and the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked, http://tino3070.soup.io/. Hopefully, this report got you started on the right track. Sports Medicine, 22, 367-90 Gruber, A. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 40, 273-277 Hickson, R. These products are directly inhaled into the sinuses so they are specific to a certain area of the body. They are frequently thought to be a better alternative than using oral steroids like prednisone, since they affect only the intended area of the body, http://kullervo8542.soup.io/. Other medications of this type that are condition specific include products like Restasis®, which relieves chronic dry eye. Products like Pulmocort® may be inhaled as an asthma preventative, replacing oral steroids for those with severe asthma. Catabolic steroids have some noted side effects. They don't feel as though they accomplished anything, http://toivo1845.soup.io/. Again, this is my own opinion. I understand that in order for a lot of them to win, they have to use what everyone else is using. But stop and think about it. What are you gaining? A steroid receptor is formed which stimulates the synthesis of enzymes. With the stimulus of enzymes in the body, protein synthesis is also increased. One enzyme system that is placed into the body by the receptor is the ribonucleic acid (RNA)-polymerose system. This system promotes cellular protein metabolism and synthesis which utilizes nitrogen, http://auno5428.soup.io/. By utilizing the nitrogen, the anabolic action is increased, which leads to larger muscle size and strength. The only reason pro-hormones are considered legal today is because their active ingredients are found naturally in meat and/or plants that we already consume, http://rauni86.soup.io/. Now, just like synthetic anabolic steroids, there are many different forms of pro-hormones, some more effective than others. And just like the steroids they convert to free casino machine games, they are goal specific. Meaning you take them according to your goal, some are better for cutting up and some are better for bulking up. But let me set one thing straight. Anabolic steroid withdrawal has been a topic of interest among scientists studying the effects of steroid abuse ever since the drugs were first used illegally in the 1970s. Withdrawal-induced depression earned even more notoriety last month during Congressional hearings investigating steroids in Major League Baseball, http://marko841.soup.io/. At the hearings, Hootons and Garibaldis parents spoke of their sons steroid withdrawals and subsequent suicides. Drug addiction experts, including leading steroid withdrawal expert Dr. Kirk Brower, an addiction-treatment specialist at the University of Michigan, shed light on the mechanism by which anabolic steroids affect the brain and on scientific studies performed to investigate steroid withdrawal. Steroid abuse has become so widespread in athletics that it affects the outcome of sports contests. More than 100 different anabolic steroids have been developed, but they require a prescription to be used legally in the United States. Most steroids that are used illegally are smuggled in from other countries, illegally diverted from U, http://jousia1565.soup.io/. Steroid Pros and Cons Commonly associated Positive and Negative side effects of Anabolic Steroid use. As you can see, the Negatives far out weigh the Positives. Mut sehän vois olla ihan mukavaa vaihtelua, http://paavo3531.soup.io/. Breaking Bad Kirjoittaja Niba 12 Elo 2013, 23:01 Tuli katottua S05E9 ja jälleen kerran oli loistava jakso! On tämä vain ylivoimaisesti paras sarja jota oon seurannut Loppu kaudesta on tulossa todella jännä ja mielenkiintoinen. Etenkin päähenkilöiden kohtalot jäävät vain arvailun varaa. Breaking Bad Kirjoittaja Enbubu 12 Elo 2013, 23:07 Niba kirjoitti:Tuli katottua S05E9 ja jälleen kerran oli loistava jakso! Tappioketju Kirjoittaja HannuHanh1 31 Tammi 2015, 16:26 Noniin, nyt lopetetaan jaskanpauhanta ja aletaan rapoilee tappiosessiot tänne, ei kukaan voita jatkuvasti. Saadaan vähän perspektiiviä miten porukka oikeasti jää näistä voitolle ja jos depot menee sukkana niin paljonko tuli turpaan ja millä palautusprosentilla. Ketään ei auta pelkkä voitto-osumilla virtuaalipenistely, vaikka hittejä onkin maukas katsella välillä. Antaa aivan väärän kuvan slottipelaamisen karusta arjesta, http://joosef3241.soup.io/. Tappioketju Kirjoittaja kolaharri 31 Tammi 2015, 18:16 Rangoon meni 50e tänään mut paras peli silti! Ilmaiskierroksia Kirjoittaja Enbubu 29 Touko 2013, 14:59 Mikähän ihme on, kun meinasi mennä maximolle pelaamaan ilmaiskierrokset niin eivät anna kirjautua mun käyttäjällä? Ilmaiskierroksia Kirjoittaja lutu 29 Touko 2013, 15:11 Se voi olla, etteivät anna tehdä yhden kotitalouden kuin yhden tilin, http://toivo5104.soup.io/. Ilmaiskierroksia Kirjoittaja Niba 29 Touko 2013, 15:13 Enbubu kirjoitti:Mikähän ihme on, kun meinasi mennä maximolle pelaamaan ilmaiskierrokset niin eivät anna kirjautua mun käyttäjällä? Sun tunnus on saatettu sulkea. Itselläni on tapahtunut näin useilla kasinoilla. All Free Spins will be awarded on Monday 26th August 2013. The free spins will expire 3 days after they have been awarded if you do not login to your account, once the bonus has been claimed you will have a further 3 days to play the bonus. Any winnings from the free spins will go into your bonus balance and must be wagered ten 10 times on Magic Portals before they are withdrawable, http://kristian2657.soup.io/. Once you have played the free spins, any cash balance that is already in your account will be used before the bonus balance. The promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer and only one 1 bonus offer can be claimed per person 12. Nykyisin menee enää alle vrk ku sieltä kotiutetut rahat ovat pankkitilillä, http://anna9436.soup.io/. Ei tosiaan pysty ostelemaan saldoa miinukselle. Kortti on toiminut kyllä kaikissa paikoissa, lukuunottamatta sitten paria bensa-automaattia. Nettilompakot (Skrill) Kirjoittaja pasi73 30 Elo 2013, 08:55 Bilixs kirjoitti:pasi73 kirjoitti:Ite käytän myös edelleen Skrilliä ja olen täysin tyytyväinen siihen. Nykyisin menee enää alle vrk ku sieltä kotiutetut rahat ovat pankkitilillä. Androgens have been reported to increase protein anabolism and decrease protein catabolism, http://asmo878.soup.io/. Nitrogen balance is improved only when there is sufficient intake of calories and protein. Androgens have been reported to stimulate the production of red blood cells by enhancing erythropoietin production. Androgens are responsible for the growth spurt of adolescence and for the eventual termination of linear growth brought about by fusion of the epiphyseal growth centers. In children, exogenous androgens accelerate linear growth rates but may cause a disproportionate advancement in bone maturation. Sure, sure, there are always athletes who are so genetically gifted and perfectly tailored for their particular sport that victory might come without drug use. Understand though, a reported negative on a urine test does not mean that the athlete has been, or is, drug free, http://santtu5289.soup.io/. It just means that the governing body has announced that he passed the piss test. Steroids are the biggest help for those individuals (myself included) with poor or just so-so genetic predispositions toward athletic endeavor. The first BIG TRUTH that you'll encounter in this book is this: If used correctly (but most athletes still don't use them correctly, doctor supervision or not) anabolic/androgenic steroids can give you permanent weight gains and significant increases in athletic performance even after stopping the steroid therapy. Although the scientific research indicates that Dianabol should not be an exceptional steroid, real world evidence has proven the contrary. An old time bodybuilder once said” “If you can’t grow on Deca and D-bol, you’re not gonna grow on anything, no matter how fancy it is, http://olli9455.soup.io/. For men, the safest steroid combination that gives maximum results is 20mg of D-bol a day with 200mg of Deca a week. Athletes could take more and get better results, but may be compromising their health. WARNING: The Mexican product has such a good reputation that there are now (October, 1988) two counterfeits of it. Several of these studies do not meet the quality standards for scientific research, http://iida8232.soup.io/. Based on available well designed studies it can be concluded that AAS enhance the effects of strength training. The observed improvements were in the range of 5–20% of baseline strength, largely depending on the drugs and dose used as well as the administration period. Although most research has focused on absolute strength determined by one repetition maximum or isokinetic strength, one study tested the effects on canoeing capacities. Previously, a literature review by Elashof et al. End users paid as much as $300 for it. BOLFORTAN (i-*) Lanniker Heilmittel (Austria): Testosterone Nicotinate, http://alpo2644.soup.io/. An odd ester of testosterone developed in the US in 1962, this water based testosterone rapidly gets into circulation but lasts longer than simple Testosterone Aqueous Suspension. The crystals are large and a 20 gauge needles is needed to inject the suspension. It had the nutball, false reputation of making the arm and leg muscles grow. Speechpad focuses primarily on converting conversation to wording to produce an understandable, search-able archive, and -able version of that which was claimed! We have of transforming speech to wording, based on your particular requirements several different ways. We can provide a verbatim transcription, a transcription that captures every uhhm, oh, and false start of the speakers. Many districts and landmarks in Recently House of York Metropolis make get easily known, and the urban center received a phonograph recording 56 1000000 tourists in 2014,[40] hosting threesome of the world's ten to the highest degree visited holidaymaker attractions in 2013.[41] Several sources take stratified Novel York the nearly photographed city in the creation.[42][43][44] Times Square, iconified as "The Crossroads of the World",[45] is the brightly well-lighted hub of the Broadway Dramaturgy District,[46] one and only of the world's busiest prosy intersections,[47][48] and a John Major kernel of the world's amusement manufacture.[49] The name calling of many of the city's bridges, skyscrapers,[50] and Rosa Parks are known roughly the planetary. 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Pitää kierrätellä tässä ja kotiuttaa jos ei mene sukkana takaisin, http://paavali4896.soup.io/. Onko Stan Jamesilla jokin tietty enimmäissumma, jonka voi enintään kotiuttaa free spin voitoilla?,Onko Stan Jamesilla jokin tietty enimmäissumma, jonka voi enintään kotiuttaa free spin voitoilla?,Kysyin supportista, sanoivat että kun on täyttänyt kierrätysehdot rahoilla voi thedä mitä haluaa eikä ole nostorajoja free spin voitoilla. Create your very first impact an excellent one particular. Consumers who happen to be browsing your site initially want to sense made welcome, not stressed. A good way to do this is to make an "entry webpage," or even a title site with only the most basic info provided. Permitting the individual to look into the web site them selves ensures they are more comfortable with the ability of store shopping together with you. Androgens have been reported to increase protein anabolism and decrease protein catabolism, http://asmo878.soup.io/. Nitrogen balance is improved only when there is sufficient intake of calories and protein. Androgens have been reported to stimulate the production of red blood cells by enhancing erythropoietin production. Androgens are responsible for the growth spurt of adolescence and for the eventual termination of linear growth brought about by fusion of the epiphyseal growth centers. In children, exogenous androgens accelerate linear growth rates but may cause a disproportionate advancement in bone maturation. Sure ilmainen casino 007, sure, there are always athletes who are so genetically gifted and perfectly tailored for their particular sport that victory might come without drug use. Understand though, a reported negative on a urine test does not mean that the athlete has been, or is, drug free, http://santtu5289.soup.io/. It just means that the governing body has announced that he passed the piss test. Steroids are the biggest help for those individuals (myself included) with poor or just so-so genetic predispositions toward athletic endeavor. The first BIG TRUTH that you'll encounter in this book is this: If used correctly (but most athletes still don't use them correctly, doctor supervision or not) anabolic/androgenic steroids can give you permanent weight gains and significant increases in athletic performance even after stopping the steroid therapy. Although the scientific research indicates that Dianabol should not be an exceptional steroid, real world evidence has proven the contrary. An old time bodybuilder once said” “If you can’t grow on Deca and D-bol, you’re not gonna grow on anything, no matter how fancy it is, http://olli9455.soup.io/. For men, the safest steroid combination that gives maximum results is 20mg of D-bol a day with 200mg of Deca a week. Athletes could take more and get better results, but may be compromising their health. WARNING: The Mexican product has such a good reputation that there are now (October, 1988) two counterfeits of it. Several of these studies do not meet the quality standards for scientific research, http://iida8232.soup.io/. Based on available well designed studies it can be concluded that AAS enhance the effects of strength training. The observed improvements were in the range of 5–20% of baseline strength, largely depending on the drugs and dose used as well as the administration period. Although most research has focused on absolute strength determined by one repetition maximum or isokinetic strength, one study tested the effects on canoeing capacities. Previously, a literature review by Elashof et al. End users paid as much as $300 for it. BOLFORTAN (i-*) Lanniker Heilmittel (Austria): Testosterone Nicotinate, http://alpo2644.soup.io/. An odd ester of testosterone developed in the US in 1962, this water based testosterone rapidly gets into circulation but lasts longer than simple Testosterone Aqueous Suspension. The crystals are large and a 20 gauge needles is needed to inject the suspension. It had the nutball, false reputation of making the arm and leg muscles grow. Can you hurt yourself with them? Yes, you can hurt yourself with aspirin, with ibuprofen with sudamenafin you can kill yourself. If you take anabolic steroids in high doses for protracted periods of time it's difficult to think you could fool mother nature, that some adverse effects will not befall you, http://hemmo6188.soup.io/. But they're not what I'd call major killer drugs. We use them in medicine, and I'd hope we're not purposefully killing our patients. Mark McGwire, Manny Ramirez, http://emil7828.soup.io/. Rafael Palmeiro and Gary Sheffield -- have been linked to PEDs. BALCO Scandal In 2003, federal agents targeted The Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative (BALCO), a nutritional supplement firm in Burlingame, Calif. The case was turned over to a grand jury, which subpoenaed Barry Bonds, Jason Giambi, Gary Sheffield and dozens of other alleged BALCO customers. Bonds testified that he took substances described to him as linseed oil and rubbing balm by his personal trainer, Greg Anderson, who was among the individuals indicted in the case. Profile and Side Effects Steroids can help an individual raise his performance levels to an unprecedented high. Many use this drug for increasing muscle size and reducing body fat, http://emil2098.soup.io/. One of the reasons behind steroid usage by women is that such consumption makes them muscular and do not encourage evil intentions of men. Every one has his own reason and justification and there is absolutely nothing with any of these reasons. After all, there is no one in this world today who wants to lag behind and get over-shadowed. And indeed that is the reason why the US Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 has been enacted to ban selling and using anabolic steroid and pro-hormone without relevant medical prescription. To what extent the new act is able to check the abuse of anabolic steroids in sport and exercise, http://miro5294.soup.io/. Abuse of Anabolic Steroids Tied to Mental Health Problems Less than a minute read A new study of elite male strength athletes finds a link between use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) and mental health problems later in life. This is the main conclusion of a new University of Gothenburg study recently published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The study included almost 700 former Swedish wrestlers, weightlifters, powerlifters and throwers who competed at the elite level sometime between 1960 and 1979. This modification protects this drug from the first pass of the liver, making the drug available for use by the body. However, this feature causes some toxicity to the liver. This unfavorable effect can be controlled if the drug is taken within the recommended dosage and also not taken for more than 8 weeks. The degree and incidences of severe toxicity can be reduced as users consult their Doctor before using this drug and also as their system is monitored as they use the drug, http://arho5552.soup.io/. This will ensure the best before and after results with Winstrol depot or pills. Hei, Itse tuolta parisen kertaa nostanut ja hyvin tuli rahat perille. Joo itekki käyn torstaisin räiskimäs ton nodepon, http://veikko1292.soup.io/. Isoilla panoksilla vaan kokeilee kaikki tai ei mitää. Tuosta lisää siitä viikko bonuksesta: Missä on torstain goldrush koodi sähköpostista,se 20 e? Kierrättely onnistu ihan hyvin, sehän on sen 1560euroo. Ostat sen vaimolles, tulee ainakin yllätyksenä. 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Onko muille tullut Hello Casinon kotiutukset tilille? As long as subjects are not clearly hypogonadal, the learning effects of such tasks are likely to outweigh fluctuations in androgen levels. Verbal skills Indications are that testosterone levels seem to be negatively correlated to verbal skills in males (88). Testosterone substitution in elderly males can block the practising effect in verbal fluency (90). Female-to-male transsexuals show a steady decline in verbal fluency under testosterone administration (83), http://aarre7017.soup.io/. Corresponding effects were seen in male-to-female transsexuals receiving oestrogen treatment their verbal skills increased in comparison to controls waiting for www. Because of the widespread use of large doses of AAS, the adverse effects are of great concern. The effects on the reproductive system appear to be profound and may lead to libido changes and (temporary) infertility. AAS affect risk factors of cardiovascular disease unfavourably, especially serum lipoprotein profiles. Although the effects on BP and cardiac structure and function are not yet conclusive, AAS may also affect them, http://eevert8899.soup.io/. Unlike the amounts of AAS used by athletes, the adverse effects on liver function seem to be limited. Not one of the twelve studies demonstrated a difference in T levels between men who did and did not develop cancer, http://untamo901.soup.io/. Although one study, with data derived from the Physician’s Health Study, is frequently cited as demonstrating a relationship between T and prostate cancer, the actual data show no differences in T levels between the cancer group and the non-cancer group. Although these studies do not address the issue of TRT directly, they do show, repeatedly, uniformly, and powerfully, that higher levels of testosterone are not associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. What about men with low T? If one believes that high T is worrisome for prostate cancer, then it should follow that low testosterone would be protective against the development of prostate cancer. Ergogenic effects associated with anabolic steroid use, http://miska400.soup.io/. Increase in lean body mass Increase in muscle cross-sectional area Decrease in body fat percent Increase muscle strength & power Enhance recovery between workouts Enhance recovery from injury Increase in protein synthesis Increase in muscle endurance Increase in erythropoiesis, hemoglobin, and hematocrit Increase in bone mineral density Increase in glycogen storage Increase in lipolysis Increase in neural transmission Reduced muscle damage Increase in pain tolerance Behavior modification (aggression) Athletes typically use anabolic steroids in a “stacking” regimen, in which they administer several different drugs simultaneously. The rationale for stacking is to increase the potency of each drug. 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